Research and publications

I am an experienced writer for a wide variety of audiences. My work is always based on rigorous research, and I have published trade books, academic papers, and journalism, as well as writing for exhibitions.

I am currently reading for a DPhil in History at the University of Oxford and the Victoria & Albert Museum, fully funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council. My research explores the history and legacies of the Museum of Construction & Building Materials in South Kensington (1858-1888).

My latest peer-reviewed paper, ‘Innovation and Revivalism: Powell & Sons’ Opus Sectile Mosaic’, was published in the Journal of Design History, 36:2 (2023). Find a full list of my academic publications on my ORCID page.

I have recently been writing about Victorian women’s album-making practices, in a book chapter due for publication in summer 2025. I am currently researching the Jahn family and the connections between curating, collecting, and design education in the West Midlands in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.